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July 22, 2022: Update

The Senate of Canada’s Standing Committee on Human Rights undertook a study on the extent and scope of forced and coerced sterilization of Indigenous women in Canada. The study was in two parts beginning in 2019 and expanded to include all persons in Canada. In July, 2022, the Committee released its final report: The Scars That We Carry: Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Persons in Canada – Part II  

“Beginning in 2019, the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights (the Committee) undertook a
study on the extent and scope of forced and coerced sterilization of persons in Canada, hearing
from experts and civil society groups. In 2022, the Committee heard additional testimony on this
issue, including from several survivors who courageously shared their stories.
The practice of forced and coerced sterilization is not confined to our distant past, and law and
policy changes are needed to prevent this horrific practice from being inflicted on others. This
report highlights the experiences and perspectives of survivors and outlines solutions that the
Committee believes are urgently needed to bring an end to this unacceptable practice.”

The Scars that We Carry: Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Persons in Canada – Part II, Standing Committee on Human Rights

To read the full report, click here

BPW Bowmanville
