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Petition Update:

Our petition to End the Coerced and Forced Sterilization of Indigenous Women closed for signatures May 25, 2021. We obtained the minimum number of signatures required to be Certified by the Clerk of Petitions. It was presented to the House of Commons and tabled for a response. Unfortunately, with the call for a federal election in June, all business was ‘taken off the table’ including our petition. 

This petition received signatures of support from across Canada including the Northwest Territories. We wish to thank everyone who joined us in voicing our demand to the Government of Canada to abolish this practice. 

BPW Bowmanville submitted a petition to the Government of Canada urging them to immediately enact legislation to abolish the practice of coerced and forced sterilization of Indigenous women, and are urging citizens to sign in support.

  • Coerced and forced sterilization is in contravention of Canadian Human Rights legislation;
  • The widespread practice of coerced and forced sterilization of women has been occurring across Canada since the 1930s;
  • There is minimal awareness of this practice;
  • The United Nations Committee Against Torture officially recognized that sterilizing Indigenous women without consent is a form of torture, and called on Canada to take action.

Read February 5, 2021 Press Release

BPW Bowmanville
